
更新时间: 2024-05-19 14:41:54

1、人生本来就没有相欠,别人对你付出,是因为别人喜欢,你对别人付出,是因为你自己甘愿。情出甘愿,事过无悔。Life is not owed, others pay for you, because others like you, you pay for others, because you are willing to. Willingness makes no regrets.。

2、努力的时间都不够,哪有时间去绝望啊。Not enough time to work hard,There\'s no time to despair.。

3、世上最牢固的感情不是“我爱你”,而是“我习惯了有你”。彼此依赖,才是最深的相爱。The strongest feeling in the world is not “I love you”, but “I am used to having you”. Dependence on each other is the deepest love.。

4、哪有什么来日方长,从来都是三旬过场,人走茶凉。Where there\'s a long way to go, always in March, people go to tea.。

5、我不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴。I do not want short-term warmth, as long as you accompany the whole life.。

6、别怕,就像我的这颗心,永远都是你的家。Don\'t be afraid, just like my this heart, forever is your home.。

7、世界上,没有挤不出的时间,只有不想赴的约,每一个选择,其实都是内心所向。In the world, there is no time to squeeze out, only an appointment that you don\"t want to go to. Every choice is actually your heart\"s desire.。

8、你怎么能在拥有爱情的同时又拒绝受伤呢?别忘了,丘比特射出的是箭,而不是玫瑰。How can you refuse to be hurt while you have love? Don\"t forget that Cupid shoots arrows, not roses.。

9、把所有的不快给昨天,把所有的希望给明天,把所有的努力给今天。Give all unhappiness to yesterday, all hope to tomorrow, all efforts to today.。

10、很多东西就像是指缝间的阳光,温暖,美好,却永远无法抓住。A lot of things like fingers sunshine, warm, beautiful,理所当然才会义无反顾。Willingness is the only way to take it for granted, and righteousness is the only way to take it for granted.。