
更新时间: 2024-04-20 00:22:02

1.Wish your business success.生意兴隆。

2.I\'ll pay you a new year! I wish you good health, feeling better and better, and people becoming more and more beautiful! Life is more and more romantic! Happy New Year! 向你拜大年!祝你身体健康,心情越来越好,人越来越漂亮!生活越来越浪漫!新春快乐!

3.So far away, no gifts, no big meals, only I care about your heart and the most sincere wishes: Happy New Year! 这么远的距离,没有礼物,没有大餐,只有我牵挂你的心和最最真诚的一声祝福:新年快乐!

4.Please accept my sincere wishes for the New Year. I hope you will continue to enjoy good health.愿快乐幸福永伴你左右。

5.I rejoice with you and wish you a long and happy meaningful life.我跟你一起高兴,祝你健康长寿,生活充满诗情画意。

6.Taking the New Year\'s bell sounded, gone with the wind to send my blessing, lingering in your side. 新年的钟声悠然响起,飘送着我的祝福,萦绕在您的身边。

7.According to FBI news: find the phone 12 o\'clock with a pair of dull eyes hey dude you\'ve been eyeing me please in this cold day, more clothes in this bless you:!!!! Happy New Year!根据FBI消息:发现手机12点钟方向有一对呆滞的眼神嘿!猪头!你被我盯上了!请在这寒冷的日子里,多加件衣服!在此祝福你:春节快乐!

8.Your entire staff wishes you and yours a most happy new year.全体职员祝您及家人圣诞快乐。

9.May the joy of New Year be with you throughout the year. 愿新年的快乐一年四季常在.

10.May you enjoy all the joys you expect during the Spring Festival. Every little thing can bring you sweet feelings and endless happiness. 愿你在春节享有期望中的全部喜悦,每一件微小的事物都能带给你甜美的感受和无穷的快乐。

11.Thank you for your care and help. Please accept my wishes for the New Year and wish you peace and happiness. 感谢你的关怀,感谢你的`帮助。请接受我新年的祝愿,祝你平安幸福!

12.I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year.祝新年快乐,并致以良好的祝福。

13.To wish you special joy at the holidays and all year.祝你在节日和新的一年中享有无限的快乐。

14.Greeting transformed into a poem, a melody, open a garden of spring! 祝福串成一首诗,一段旋律,开启一片温馨的春的园地!

15.Have a caring heart, to distant with you, may happiness always be with you always. 心中有一份牵挂,款款捎给远方的你,愿快乐永与你相伴。

16.Warm greetings and best wishes for happiness and good luck in the coming year. 衷心祝福来年快乐、幸运!

17.Wish the white and beautiful snowflakes, with my best wishes, fly to your side, wish you a happy New Year and prosperous career! 愿片片洁白美丽的雪花,带着我美好的祝愿,飞到你的身边,祝你新年如意,事业发达!

18.I wish you a happy New Year. All affection and best wishes to you and yours.以我所有的爱心与真诚祝你及全家圣诞快乐。

19.The sun is shining and the spring breeze is blowing。 The laughter of the Chinese children flew。 On New Year\'s Eve, we celebrate the new year\'s Eve。 We celebrate the festival with golden cups. 阳光明媚春风吹。华夏儿女笑声飞。除夕守夜迎新岁,共庆佳节举金杯,万家灯火闪光辉。

20.It\'s really a shame we can\'t be together at that moment.我们不能在一起过春节真是太遗憾了。